My everyday behavior consists of a pretty regular routine - example, I go to lunch around the same time every day and go to the same place every day for a month straight - order the same meal, have short conversations with the same workers and I'm happy. After I get sick of the routine, I completely drop the place and switch to something else. Relationships are built with the morning coffee guy, the fruit stand guy, the Boston Market women ... well, until the binge ends. If I go back, they ask "where have you been?" as if they were hurt. I understand I am not obligated to go back every day, but when there is a lapse after being there everyday rain or shine, I feel the hurt of betrayal as I order. Ultimately I feel cannot go back without feeling a bit awkward.
I have received free food, $10 gift cards, bumps to the front of the line - such affections for building a relationship are great but then I'm trapped. I can't have Subway everyday - I'll die. It happens a lot and I have to walk on the opposite side of the street or look the other way as I pass - maybe it would have been better if we didn't get so close.