The next morning I passed by his stand and curious about quenepas, I decided to buy a bunch - but he didn't have any. "tomorrow" he says. So every day for two weeks I woke up early and got off the 23rd st stop to see if I could buy some quenepas. Of course this is when the city was baking in consecutively humid 90 degree weather. I walked an extra 7 blocks just for the chance to buy these fruits which I've never tasted. I'm not sure why I was so determined - the videos on YouTube and the articles on Wikipedia made them sound like they'd be awesome. And perhaps it was because I already invested a few days of walking and sweating every morning - I was going to see this one through.
This morning I passed a stand a block below the fruit stand guy and they had quenepas! So I got a pound just in case he did not have them. Sure enough he did, so I hid the other bag behind me and handed over the $3. I enthusiastically thanked him twice and walked away with a strong sense of accomplishment - I finally did it - two pounds of little fruits in two little black plastic bags.

hahah :D - I liked the quest, the treasure not so much.