Thursday, September 27, 2007

you know, working in the city you see a lot of things and smell a lot of smells - they dont phase you after awhile. Ive seen squished pigeons, rats in the trash and subways, bums in blankets, but there is one thing I am afraid of, still. Bed bugs, now I didnt know they still existed. I thought it was just a saying back from the Medevil days, "sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite" But as it turns out, they are still around. And Im freaked out about it, totally.

The scary part is not that my hygeine is bad, or I sleep in dirty places, but TOUCH. Do you know how many people I touch or brush past everyday? Tons. On the subway, there is no way not to be squished between 5 or more people during rush hour. "Please avoid overcrowding" says the train conductor, yeah right.

Lets say one person had bedbugs on them, on their bag, on their pants. There would be nothing to stop the biting bed bugs from jumping from person to person. You are probably reading this and saying, he's freakin paranoid. But Im not. I actually asked one of my doctor friends and she said that if you do have bedbugs you would be itching or at least have a rash of some sort. So I guess I am a little relieved. But seriously people, stay away from those itchers and rashy people, otherwise youre gonna have to throw away your bed and new clothes. Freakin Bed Bugs.