the weekend *~ <(^o^<) (>^o^)> ~*
yes, today is Friday. The end of the week. My previous job was in retail, and for those of you who have been in retail and hopefully escaped know - you dont get weekends off. The largest flow of customers is on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, so you are working while everyone else is enjoying their two back to back days off. I did it for three years, no vacation, 5 - 18 days straight weeks. I mean, I did get a random day of the week off, like Tuesday. And those are the best to go food shopping, clothes shopping, drive. No one is around. But weekends are gold. I dont mind that theres congestion to the beach, or long lines to pay. Mentality-wise it is much much better. I know that by 6pm Friday, I can leave and head home and wont have be in the office until Monday morning. Consistency, its a beautiful thing. Im happy that I have this job, its a good one. Im healthier for it. And yeah . . . TGIF.